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Our Services




Yes, from a technical viewpoint the services that Greater EBiz provides includes web site hosting, domain name registration, web site design, web site maintenance, email marketing, search engine marketing, and custom application development. But what this really all adds up to is:

  • Get them to your site - This is the #1 question people ask us, "how do I get people to my site." Our answer is pay-per- click search engine marketing on Google and Yahoo. Bottom line, when people search for phrases related to your site, you want them to find you at or near the top of the list. The only sure way to make this happen is to pay for placement on the search engines. Greater Ebiz can help you evaluate the costs and develop a pay-per-click program that meets your budget.

    Perhaps you've heard of search engine optimization. This is a fancy term which means your web site is designed so search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN can examine and catalog your site. Some web site designs make this hard for search engines to do - but not Greater EBiz designs. A more ambitions goal of search engine optimization is to get your site great placement in the search engine listing.

    In some cases the judicious use of certain phrases in the content of the site can help your site get good placement on the search engines. It takes careful research and skill to discover and incorporate these phrases on your web site and that effort has a cost associated with it. The problem is that there is no guarantee you will get good placement using phrases that make sense for your particular business. Also, the rules search engines use for determining placement change from time to time. What works today may not work tomorrow.

    Still, for some niche markets, search engine optimization can work well and Greater EBiz will help you evaluate whether aggressive search engine optimization is the way to go or whether pay-per-click will provide a better return on your investment.

  • Make them happy they came to your site - have you ever gone to a website and were sorry you bothered. Did it take forever for it to appear? Did the look of the site just turn you off? Was the site not user friendly? Web site design is not just an artistic endeavor, there is a science behind the design. Greater Ebiz will design your website so visitors are glad they visited and consequently they are more likely to do business with you.

    Of course even the best design is no good if it is not hosted on a reliable and high performance hosting platform. Greater Ebiz has taken care of that worry by providing quality hosting at a reasonable cost.

  • Get them to come back to your site - How many stores would survive without repeat visits from potential customers - not many right? That is why it is important to get people to come back to your website. One way to do this is through email marketing. Greater Ebiz has affiliated with Constant Contact® the leading provider of email marketing and email survey tools.

    Keeping your web site updated is also key to encourage repeat visits. Greater Ebiz can help maintain your web site or provides solutions so you can easily update you web site. Bottom line: don't let you website turn into a "cobweb." Keep it fresh and current with proper maintenance.

    Use of social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace or adding a blog to your website are also good ways to get repeat visits. Greater EBiz can help you with these approaches and many others.


Let us sweat the technical details
We are you one stop for creating, design-ing, implementing and maintaining a web site.

Yes, you can register a domain name yourself and there are many companies that can provide hosting for your web site. Some even offer products that supposedly make it easy to build your web site yourself. The major flaw with this approach is when something doesn't work the way you expect it to. Yes, you can call their technical support hotline and eventually talk to a warm body, but why even face this scenario? Greater Ebiz has a great deal of experience with the "What the heck! It wasn't supposed to do that" scenarios and knows what to do in those cases.

Seriously, if you just want to concentrate on business and not a bunch of technical stuff then let Greater EBiz handle it for you. You will be glad you did.

Free consultation
We are glad to meet with you and learn what you want to achieve. We will propose a solution and cost estimate before you spend that first dime.

Reasonable fees and client friendly service. Our fees are very reasonable and we have a client friendly approach that makes the process easy and enjoyable.